I completely understand your decision Pete....having been a member of Reform since it's inception, I'm now seriously disillusioned with the lack of direction & Mr Tice's recent reference to "us lot" hasn't helped. I'll watch Homeland's progress with interest, & best of luck to you & them.

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Building a new party will take too long. There just isn't time to do that now. I feel your disillusionment with Reform UK though. I don't know what the answer is now because the British people are too subservient passive and apathetic. They will surrender what's left of our nation, our freedom and culture without putting up any serious resistance. All very depressing.

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Hi Pete - thanks for the content but respectfully, two things.

1) this Homeland crowd sound worryingly and dangerously like the sort of 'idiots and wrong uns' crowd who could easily be overrun by weirdos spouting modern day eugenics and other garbage. It would be massively damaging were you to get too far caught up in something which could be batshit crazy. My first bit of advice would be....just don't but now you have it'll be fingers crossed and good luck, I fear this will end badly for you. Sorry.

2) have you not considered that as someone aspiring to be a serious commentator you have far, far mote credibility when you're not affiliated to any political organisation? Strikes me as the most obvious thing in the world that commentators and serious journalists aren't members of parties and vice versa. It's such an easy stick for anyone who disagrees with you to hammer you with.

Something to consider about the wing of politics you're getting into - this is the nutter/sociopath wing of politics (much as the wacky left is) and that's essentially why they can never put disagreements to one side and work together - to use a music analogy there are too many 'need for lead narcissists' in the room wanting 'their part' turned up in the mix and they always end up falling out amongst themselves.

And just because someone is halfway intelligent in an academic sense doesn't mean they can't also be narcissistic or a sociopath. I'll leave it there and wish you all the best.

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if you're prepared to sacrifice the civil rights of everybody on the altar of some 'mass removal fantasy' then that's your lookout. Just be intellecutally honest and admit that you think people like myself are collateral damage worth throwing under the bus.

For this warped fantasy to work you'd have to give the State the kind of power I would never trust anybody with. Under any circumstances. By far the biggest menace to an individual citizen is not an immigrant (legal or illegal) but their own goverment.

BTW nice name....where can I buy a copy of the magazine?

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You're nuts ! Getting locked into a party with Jus Sanguinis on its website and constant references to 'Indigenous' peoples without definitions adjacent to a picture of a red squirrel on its website, and a contradictory socialist plan for housing for all, is a brave if not foolhardy move but there you go the two often mix. Despite all their plans & dreams a spouse rarely manages to change the bad habits of the other.

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Pete, you are doing the right thing. A radical movement needs caution, like you said. However, I just want to gently remind you, civic nationalism is likely a lie told a long time ago to convince natives to allow invaders in, under the guise of "assimilation". It only works in extremely small percentages of foreigners, and they must be interbred to point of no longer being distinct. Aka, not nearly long enough of a time since WWII, and in far too high a volume. Kemi is scum herself, mind you, and is robbing britain blind to help Nigeria, her home. Khan of London wants to islamify his city. The only people against this change, and for keeping strong their own culture, are the English. And only the English will have their own backs.

Take it from me, in the US. Our country is also being stolen out from under us. We have to act and we have to act now. Don't be afraid to see outside the system as well. The woodlander initiative, Orania, they may be the future of successful native communities in europe - but I pray every day that the foreigners will be thrown out before this.

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"and welfare should be strictly limited to those who were at least born here".

As Dr North pointed out recently, there are many Brits born abroad of Diplomat or service parents who were stationed abroad at the time. I'm one of those children. I would hope that my parents' service and the fact that I served for 31 years in Her Majesty's Armed Forces, protecting the country, did count for something.

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You say you are willing to listen but don't answer comments. You come over as haughty, on some high horse on a lonely road leading where? Your horse, Ukip? went lame and now you stick out your thumb only to lower it when you don't like the colour of the car that approaches. You reject them before they even fail to offer you a lift.

As you know, Labour, originally a worthy cause was taken over by Fabians and anti British ill wishers, a parasitic organism consumed it.

Our present day Labour is awash with sterile hostile academe and shuns, sneers at the blue collar, the flat cap. The Tories, took on board social climbers, cynical entrepreneurs, virtue signallers, liberals who cannot gain effective traction in their natural Party. This week they are choosing a Nigerian lady in the hope of adopting the holy afflatus of tolerant virtue. Like Kamala Harris, she did nothing for 4 years.

The light blue car slows, signals it has a spare seat and would engage with you but no. Perhaps you could help? Influence them? £25?

The red Labour bus slowed and stopped for the Fabians and the Marxists who jumped on board, coshed the driver and stole his flat cap (after having it dry cleaned).

Be as haughty as you like, it's easy to look down your nose at the idiotic proletariat and the opportunistic barons of mediocracy but the Tsars made that mistake. First they came for the Jews etc...

I'm off to look at this Homeland lot but, like with the SDP, I suspect you waste your time. I'll report back if you like.

If you want to change anything you should accept the lift. You won't at the side of the lonely dusty substack road where Caesar has your measure. I'd advise the light blue one, if they'll have you.

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I'm back. HL? I thought you were more subtle. It's just another EDL or BNP. They'll be on MI5's radar already, the Russians would be rubbing their hands with glee but the leader shaved his head. Read Les Mains Sales by Sartre. I didn't think you were so gullible and naive.

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My thoughts entirely - hardly subtle and probably riddled with intelligence services types already. Taking them at face value, in order to do all the stuff these outfits say they want they'd have to turn the United Kingdom into a dystopian hellhole first. I mean....ponder how big, powerful and frightening the State would have to become in order to make 'mass removals' a possibility.

And once they've got that sort of Statist grip they'll insist on keeping it in order to stop a backslide. Plus that 'power and scope' will be used in all sorts of ways, against all sorts of people,. in ways we haven't even imagined yet. Perhaps they don't care in which case they should admit they want to create an authoritarian crazy house. Or alternatively they haven't thought this stuff through....

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Bud you really gotta come up with some better reason to hate on a successful upstart party. Homeland has already joined with another party, and I'm sure more will follow. They are cool heads with smart brains. Please be optimistic.

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Hasn’t everybody know what ‘Hope not Hate’ is for years? I knew as soon as I saw their name in 2016.

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Good luck with your journey Pete. I’ll be following your progress as you proceed.

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I shall follow with interest. Some obvious questions - how many candidates can they put forward at an election? Do they have any money? Will they be able to communicate with the voters?

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I hate to tell a family secret... but both my parents are (gulp) Scottish. Embarrassing.

The damage done by my fellow Scots to the English nation is unmatched by any other nationality; fellow compatriots Blair and Brown alone vandalised the constitution and commenced the current immigration catastrophe.

One fleeting glance at any England-Scotland football match, or the inane rhetoric of the SNP past and present, clearly illustrates not only a cultural incompatibility, but a naked desire to harm and damage England and the English. Probably, a larger proportion of Scots refer to the English as "the auld enemy" than asians refer to the English as "infidels".

Should I, as a supple, "first-generation", England-born male of fighting age, be unconditionally coerced into slinging my worthless potential-fifth-columnist hide back to the squalid Celtic shit-hole from whence my filthy genetics originated?

Please advise

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