When Ed Miliband talks about decarbonising the grid he's talking about replacing something that more or less works with something more expensive that will never work. The debate about wind and solar is individual sources of energy is a red herring. The entire system has to be rebuilt to accommodate them. This is not free. It is, in fact, eye-wateringly expensive. Not least the cost of new and stupidly expensive transmission lines we would otherwise not need at all.
In overriding local authorities, Miliband is not motivated by the need to bring energy costs down. This is not even a consideration. It's purely an ideological belief that the existing system must be replaced, whatever the cost, because the ends, in his view, justify the means.
The true cost of this transition is hidden from bill payers. Wind and solar look superficially cheap when you pile all the external costs of additional grid infrastructure on to conventional energy sources. It's a smoke and mirrors accounting trick, and Miliband is stupid and incurious enough to believe it. As such, in attacking our energy supply, he poses a greater threat to Britain's energy security and future prosperity than Putin.
What makes Miliband especially dangerous is that to make the case for his fantasy "green" grid, he will actively sabotage nuclear, gas and oil. Affordability, security and stability don't come into it. He will quite happily manufacture an energy crisis while the green blob produces bogus polling that supports his case for more renewables.
That input costs have risen by more than forty per cent in the last two years has not given him pause for thought. He has a limited window of opportunity and will do all he can to exploit it, even if that means abolishing any local democratic input.
That renewables no not work is neither here nor there. There is a sizable and well funded renewables lobby that will spew endless propaganda to misdirect public debate, and it will be swallowed whole by a largely uncritical media. The industry has lied through its teeth for the last thirty years and mainstream journalism has let them get away with it. This is the very essence of corporate cronyism.
We should also note than none of this fantasy can work without V2G, in which motorists are coerced into buying more expensive, inferior vehicles to act as a grid balancing battery reserve. Only it's not going to work because the people of Europe, and auto-manufacturers are turning their backs, and even the EU will be forced to rethink the EV mandate. As such, unless Miliband wants to subsidise the manufacture of vehicles than nobody wants, we'll be dismantling the domestic auto-industry while importing vehicles from China.
This, ultimately, is a top-down technocratic agenda, prosecuted with religious zeal, that will destroy British manufacturing, make home heating a luxury and limit our personal mobility, creating more state dependency in the process. An authoritarians wet dream.
As such, Net Zero is a full scale assault on freedoms. Not only will it not impact the climate, nobody will follow us over the Net Zero cliff. Such is pure delusion on the part of narcissistic sociopaths who believe in unlikely and intangible notions like "soft power".
Both Miliband and Reeves believe this will result in a "green jobs revolution" but no economy on earth can sustain massive increases in energy costs or front-loading the economy with manpower overheads, which are essentially non-jobs of zero productive value. As such, Labour, continuing the work of the Tories, is ushering in an age of accelerated decline.
Historically there is plenty of supporting evidence that we are in the last stages of national decline during what Sir John Pasha Glubb in his essay called 'The Age of Decadence."
One particular characteristic of this 'Age', apart from the obvious moral decline, is that political leadership is very second if not third rate.
Ed Milliband is a classic product of this, a man consumed by his own importance, ignorant of all the facts and detail and finally consumed by cosmetic virtue signalling and group think.
It is his ilk who will be accelerating our descent into hell in a handcart.
Completely agree.
This is an exceedingly dangerous path to embark upon and there cannot be any way in which the various governmental departments and bodies charged with implementing this do not know the implications and consequences of doing so.
I don’t believe in an overarching conspiracy or a malevolent, hidden hand behind this but it increasingly difficult to to think that there aren’t deliberate, insidious & powerful forces intentionally trying to destroy, not just the the UK, but any country that used to stand for freedom and liberty.
Millband may be an unwitting tool but he is a very dangerous tool.