Details about the Magdeburg Christmas market attacker remain unclear. The perversity of it is that people will believe what they want to believe. Some will believe one thing, others will believe another, and few will take the time to work out what happened and why. Some on both sides of the argument have a vested interest in saying it was something it wasn’t.
I do not think, though, that most people care about the particulars anymore. What we do know is that yet again civilisation was murderously interrupted by someone who should never have been here in the first place. And it keeps happening.
It will keep happening for as long as politicians refuse to concede the point that it isn’t a good idea to fling open the borders to all and sundry. Or until we replace those politicians, that is.
That very well could be the case in Germany. AfD could now become the largest party at the upcoming election - especially with an open endorsement from Elon Musk. This is no longer fringe politics.
Moreover, the Overton Window just shifted again. We are now seeing protesters carrying banners with “Remigration” written on them. It’s not a new word on the continent, but 2024 will be the year it’s cemented into the European consciousness. Britain included. It’s trending on X right now.
For the moment, the UK debate is confined to merely deporting foreign criminals and illegal immigrants, and even Nigel Farage stops short of calling for mass deportations, but Europe is very much ahead of the curve on this. Remigration looks inevitable and it’s not a far right point of view.
But then thanks to the legacy media, everyone is “far right” now. Just yesterday Nick Cohen was calling Farage far right. Consequently, there is no longer any real social penalty associated with the label.
It would now seem that not being far right means some random foreigner ploughing their car into your family. Not being far right means Pakistani predators raping your daughters. Not being far right means your country turning into a third world slum. Not being far right means abject surrender to the degeneracy of the elites. Not being far right means going along with whatever socially convenient horseshit they feed you. Not being far right is just basically cowardice, vanity, and stupidity.
Meanwhile, anyone subscribing to the notion that Britain is immune to the emerging sentiment on the continent would do well to recall that it was only a few months ago when mobs were setting migrant hotels alight. Another atrocity is statistically probable next year, and there may be no containing the backlash.
One thing that’s now abundantly clear; politicians can no longer afford to ignore immigration. Though the Homeland Party is ahead of the game in calling for remigration, mainstream politicians are catching up…
As such, it seems like Farage has chosen a very poor time to soften his rhetoric on immigration. Sooner that we think, remigration could be the centre ground of politics, and the positioning of parties will really only vary by the numbers they’d deport. The extremists are those intent on shutting down any public debate on it.
I don't actually know what qualifies me as far-right to the extent that protesters turn up to stop me speaking. Apart from my prolific X “shitposting”, largely to trigger sanctimonious leftists, my views are fairly pedestrian: If you're going to have borders, you should enforce them. If you're going to have a welfare system, it can't be open to anyone who rocks up. If foreigners can't or won't contribute to the economic and social life of the country then they should be encouraged to leave.
I also believe Islamic sectarianism and Islamism are a threat to national security, cohesion and liberal democracy. Nobody sane disagrees. Immigration policy should be geared to maintaining a safe, functional, high trust society, and demographic imbalances should be addressed through family and housing policy rather than the lazy neoliberal option of importing cheap labour.
None of what I believe is controversial, and it certainly isn't "fascist". It's just good governance in the national interest. I'm not going to stop saying it just because some braindead NPCs turn up to chant slogans.
In other news, I’ve been quiet on here for the last couple of weeks. Not so much writer’s block this time. I’ve been busy working on Homeland Party policies, but also taking a bit of a sanity break from politics. It really isn’t healthy to spend every day glued to the news on X. Every once in a while it’s necessary to think about something else.
I did, however, make time to have a long chat about remigration and the Homeland Party with the unstoppable Rick Munn of No Risk, No Reward Media. You can subscribe to his YouTube Channel here. I’ve also been talking to Momus Najmi again! Momus is a sincere and thoughtful man. You should follow him on X and subscribe to his YouTube Channel.
On a final note, I want to say a sincere thank you to everyone who’s supported me over the last year. It’s been a busy year, with several media appearances, a dozen trips to London, and countless long-form posts on X. Politically, I’m busier than ever, and I can say with some confidence that I have influenced the debate and events on the right.
I have to say that none of this would’ve been possible without your support. Your donations and subscriptions have made a massive difference. I’d especially like to thank Niall Warry for his generous support.
Early in the new year I’ll be publishing my comprehensive case for quitting the ECHR, and I’ll be doing further work on Homeland party policy. I’ll also be making further revisions to the Manifesto project. Ukip have gone quiet on me since I joined Homeland, but all the same, the work is worth doing for its own sake. I think it demonstrates why a party needs more than just slogans and soundbites, and I proved that there’s no excuse for lack of policy. It can be done in a short time.
What I can say is that this year has been more entertaining, edifying and challenging than poking at SQL databases, and I at least feel like I’m making a difference. For that, you have my sincere thanks.
One last thing before I sign off… My rather brilliant sister, Emma, has just launched her boutique website,, to sell her beautiful stoneware pottery. An example is pictured below. Please take a look!
If the Magdeburg Christmas market attacker was a doctor he was apparently the kind of immigrant needed in the West. The confusion thickens.
Why didn't the Magedeburg attacker ram one of the many gatherings of Syrians and pro-Palestine rallies?
Merry Christmas Peter. Looking forward to your 2025 output.