Most of the political class are cowards. We know this. The Olympic standard mental gymnastics the left will perform in order to ignore rising sectarianism is of no surprise to anybody. But this is also true of at least half the Tory party. Before criticising mass immigration, they still go through the throat clearing exercise of declaring Britain "the most successful multi-ethnic democracy" and praising the "outstanding contribution" of ethnic minorities.
But we're never told what that contribution is, and I sure as hell can't figure out what it is. When I look at "British" Muslims, I cannot think of a single positive contribution to public life that comes close to offsetting the negatives. And the list of negatives is pretty comprehensive. They're a drain on the welfare system, they rape kids and they murder us. They kill our soldiers and politicians, and they turn our cities into third world slums.
Muslims do not come to Britain to integrate into British society. They come to change Britain and to colonise it, to make it more accommodating to their third world superstitions, at the expense of our finest traditions such as democracy and free speech. It is a backward, misogynistic hateful ideology and we are less safe because of it.
Because of recent mass immigration, the glacial integration process has gone into reverse, where Muslim communities live separately to the rest of us. They dress as foreigners, speak in a foreign language and now they conduct political campaigns in a foreign language. They are not part of us, they do not want to be part of us, and the very deliberate separatism in how they dress and speak is a deliberate act of contempt for us.
The behaviour we have seen over the last year tells us that these people are a threat to us. Their only concern at the ballot box is for their fellow Muslims in far away lands. They openly support Hamas, and their hatred of Jews rivals that of any Nazi. They make up the vast majority of the terror watch list.
It is no exaggeration to say that we have an enemy within, and now we're casually inviting it into parliament. MPs on the left are hounded by them, yet still they grovel at their feet. They'll blame literally anything other than naming the threat directly.
It was said that Brexit would shatter the unity of Britain, but slowly Britain is becoming an ungovernable country as we lose our cities to politics of third world savages. Mass immigration is destroying us.
None of this troubles the British government. We know the score. Labour needs and prefers the votes of inbred third worlders more than those of the working class. We see from the photo of the new intake of Labour MPs that they represent the liberal middle classes who despise white British culture.
But then much the same can be said of the Tory party. It speaks volumes that any Tory big beast who speaks out about the failures of multiculturalism is immediately ostracised. The party is so cowed that it takes a brown woman to say it, and they'll even shun her.
Nobody seems especially keen to campaign on this. Farage, to his credit, has made passing reference to it, but still speaks in regime approved generalities. Reform talks about controlling the borders but has no policy on what to do about the garbage immigration we already have. They talk about deporting foreign criminals, but that doesn't come close to confronting the enemy in our midst.
In the past I've spoken in more moderate terms about Islam in Britain. I believed integration was possible, but in many places around Britain, there is nothing left of British culture to integrate with. Multiculturalism doesn't exist. Much of the North of England is an Islamic monoculture, where white voters are no longer represented in parliament. The islamic tribal mentality does not understand the concept of representing everyone. They believe MPs are delegates to do their tribal bidding, and if you're not of the tribe, you don't matter. It's a primitive winner takes all mindset.
With an utterly cowed political class that is unwilling and unable to confront it, it will only grow stronger. They've got a taste of power and they've seen the fruits of bloc voting. As such, they have a foothold. They are already influencing British foreign policy, and as Labour tries to cling on to power by any means necessary, it will make further concessions to these animals.
Since the entire political class will shrink from defending British values, I strongly suspect we aren't going to be able to vote our way out of this mess. Ethnic minorities will turn on each other, and then they will turn on us. If anything, the police will be tasked with policing white British people who speak out of turn. The establishment has already surrendered to radical Islam, and considers white British people to be more of a threat. Tories are more outraged by Braverman's opposition to child mutilation than they are about rising sectarianism. That, I suppose, is what you get from a metropolitan party that's dominated by childless homosexuals.
In respect of that, there is no salvation to be found in the Tory party. A party in which Braverman and Tugendhat compete for leadership just isn't viable. The philosophical differences cannot be reconciled. Nor is there any hope for a milquetoast populist party that won't colour outside the lines defined by Hope Not Hate.
It would seem, therefore, that we're on our own, and we have to speak out while speaking out is still permitted. Muslims are pushing for blasphemy laws and Starmer will roll over for them. They're emptying the prisons of rapists and paedophiles so there's room for you. They've concluded that facilitating the Islamic takeover is the path of least resistance, and they'd rather pick a fight with Russia to kill you off than defend Britain from Islamisation. They won't ask Muslims to fight, not least because they won't. But war is the best way to get rid of you and yours. Make no mistake, they don't serve us.
I have been pondering this a lot over the last few months. In some ways I feel it's like fringe political parties; when there's no way they'll ever get near power, nobody really knows who they are, who they represent, what they stand for, etc. Just a few rumblings and moans and insults (for example, see "swivel-eyed loons").
But if they ever get near power and the danger bells start to ring, suddenly it's forensics and microscopes, picking at them mercilessly.
So, there's already quite a lot of Christian apologetics people and Islam polemicists starting to dig into things that are not well-known by most Westerners. Islam trying to colonise the West might end up like Icarus, gettting badly burned.
For example, their notion of a single eternal never-changing Koran was blown up in 2016, when a couple of the polemics folks turned up at Speaker's Corner with 26 different translations!
Ironically, to ward off islamism, it might be necessary for a large number of people to become fairly expert in historical aspects of Islam. Some of the ex-muslims are really good in this aspect, esp people like St Murad and the Apostate Prophet. (Also Christian Prince, but I don't know whether he's an ex-muslim or not.)
Here's a quick video (from a channel worth keeping an eye on) explaining some of the Koran multiple translations thing I mentioned above. (Apparently there's something like 37 versions and counting, now.)
Excellent article Pete. You and Matt Goodwin are the only people brave enough to talk about this subject. Even Farage talks only in vague terms about radical Islam. We need the Tories to grow some balls and appoint Jenrick or Braverman (my preference is Jenrick) and then work with Farage and Ben Habib who has no fear of speaking the truth. They need to listen to you and Goodwin too.